Many men don’t respect when you say NO. They think you meant YES

Nicole Venglovicova
9 min readJun 28, 2024

I am writing this blog because I finally realised and understand my trauma from childhood and teenage years which would affect my love life in my adulthood. A couple of things helped me in this process and I'm going to name them.

Sometimes we forget early memories of our childhood, or we block them out for a good reason. However, if you have issues with something in your adult life, it’s almost always tied to your childhood. Whether you remember it or not.

I have taken time off my life to figure some stuff out. It takes a lot of soul searching and self-reflection which in many cases is uncomfortable. Sometimes you think “oh maybe I'm just exaggerating” but stop yourself right there. Your feelings are 100% valid. Never disregard anything that makes you uncomfortable. Even if you don’t understand why.

Identifying the trauma

I haven’t actually had any physical sexual trauma in my childhood, as far as I remember and that’s why I thought my feelings were not valid. How sad. The conversation changed so much since the early 2000s and I couldn’t be happier.

I'm going to add to this conversation by sharing my experience. I am almost sure that any woman who is a millennial and older has at least one sexual experience which was not consensual. Because rape was always defined as something violent.



Nicole Venglovicova

Content creator, currently writing my first travel book :)